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by Peter
by Peter
by Peter
by Peter
生命的绽放 bloom of life
by sarahxsqy
被寻回的小羊 the recovered lamb
by sarahxsqy
向着光的方向 towards the light
by sarahxsqy
心灵在爱中释放 heart released in love
by sarahxsqy
祈祷中的亮光 light in prayer
by sarahxsqy
站在大海边 standing by the sea
by sarahxsqy
在父爱的怀抱中 in the arms of a father
by sarahxsqy
升起的太阳 rising sun
by sarahxsqy
遥望远方 Looking into the distance
by sarahxsqy
高山低谷都是美景 Mountains valleys beautiful
by sarahxsqy
冬日暖阳 warm winter sun
by sarahxsqy
新生儿的盼望 new hope
by sarahxsqy
跟随 follow
by sarahxsqy
牵手同行 hand in hand
by sarahxsqy
爱 love
by sarahxsqy
别怕,向高处行, Don't be afraid, go high
by sarahxsqy
春天 spring
by sarahxsqy
霞光中飞翔 flying in the rays of light
by sarahxsqy
她是谁?who is she?
by sarahxsqy
生命的成长 growth of life
by sarahxsqy
五彩绚丽 colorful
by sarahxsqy
自由翱翔 fly freely
by sarahxsqy
瓶花 vase of flowers
by sarahxsqy
瓶花物语 vase story
by sarahxsqy
天空大雁 sky geese
by sarahxsqy
效法基督 imitate Jesus
by mark
耶稣升天 jesus ascension
by mark
效法基督活出爱imitate Jesus to love
by mark
walk with Jesus与耶稣同行
by mark
Jesus welcome you into the light耶稣呼召在黑暗中的人进入光明
by mark
a couple in love 爱中伴侣
by mark
sing for joy 喜乐赞美
by mark
耶稣按手祷告 Jesus laying of hands
by mark
在耶稣里的喜乐家庭 a joyful family in Christ
by mark
蒙福路与窄门 the way of cross, a blessed journey
by mark
Jesus with loving arms and smiling face 耶稣的慈荣
by mark
joyful children with Bible 带领孩子从圣经中得着喜乐
by mark
跪下祷告、赞美 knee down and pray, sing praise
by mark
open doors and welcome 展开双臂欢迎
by mark
奔向生命树 run to the tree of life/wisdom
by mark
share love分享爱
by mark
宣扬神的爱 walk with spreading the love from God
by mark
Meet Jesus 预见耶稣
by mark
读经者 a man is reading and meditating Bible
by mark